The Corporate Data Management (CDM) Portal has been developed by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) as an in-house Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Unit. The Ministry has successfully implemented the CDM system as it’s own data warehousing facility which has streamlined the effective utilization of data for more than a decade old data repository of MCA comprising the data of entire Indian Corporate Sector. MCA is now set to launch its informative data portal to the public showcasing the information and facts about Corporate Sector.
With the continuous reforms and policy initiatives undertaken by the government Indian corporate sector has reached at a remarkable place wherein there are more than 22 lakh companies registered with MCA as on date and the numbers are increasing every single day. Out of the above number, presently around 14.41 Lakh companies are active and doing business in India. The percentage of inactive companies has decreased and constitutes 36.29% of the total number of companies registered in India. Of which,4.40% of companies are in the process of strike off or liquidation and 0.29% companies are carrying the status of Dormant Company.
India is a large and diverse country with 29 States and 8 Union territories. So, it is important to look at the State wise trajectories giving us close look on how the companies are spread across the country. Maharashtra, Delhi and West Bengal consists of 44.37% of active registered Companies. Top 10 States includes Uttar Pradesh (7.4%), Karnataka (6.8%), Tamil Nadu (6.6%), Telangana (5.7%), Gujarat (5.4%), Haryana (3.4%) and Rajasthan (3.2%). Also, newly formed union territory Leh & Ladakh has registered 61 companies till date.
State/UT | No. of Active Companies |
Andaman & Nicobar | 432 |
Andhra Pradesh | 25779 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 422 |
Assam | 10389 |
Bihar | 33311 |
Chandigarh | 7914 |
Chattisgarh | 9907 |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 478 |
Daman and Diu | 267 |
Delhi | 225149 |
Goa | 5043 |
Gujarat | 77401 |
Haryana | 48834 |
Himachal Pradesh | 4655 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 4752 |
Jharkhand | 14093 |
Karnataka | 97839 |
Kerala | 44032 |
Lakshadweep | 20 |
Leh and Ladakh | 61 |
Madhya Pradesh | 31662 |
Maharashtra | 277812 |
Manipur | 1195 |
Meghalaya | 683 |
Mizoram | 181 |
Nagaland | 377 |
Orissa | 21905 |
Pondicherry | 1566 |
Punjab | 20406 |
Rajasthan | 46630 |
Sikkim | 2 |
Tamil Nadu | 94777 |
Telangana | 81704 |
Tripura | 744 |
Uttar Pradesh | 106134 |
Uttarakhand | 8555 |
West Bengal | 136712 |
Grand Total | 1441823 |
Business Service, Manufacturing and Trading Activities comprises majority of companies contributing to Indian Economy. Business Services is the most popular sector among private companies with 4.39 Lakh active companies being indulged in this sector. Manufacturing and Trading sector are preferred sector among public companies.
Economic Activity | No. of Companies | |
Private | Public | |
Agriculture and Allied Activities | 54482 | 2300 |
Manufacturing | 274474 | 17665 |
Construction | 111591 | 4147 |
Electricity, Gas & Water companies | 14334 | 1701 |
Mining & Quarrying | 12226 | 710 |
Business Services | 439818 | 9811 |
Trading | 178382 | 5649 |
Real Estate and Renting | 72394 | 2635 |
Community, personal & Social Services | 116696 | 4132 |
Finance | 40979 | 17162 |
Transport, storage and Communications | 44016 | 1482 |
Insurance | 1187 | 140 |
Others | 11453 | 2257 |
Grand Total | 1372032 | 69791 |
About 13% of companies are working in Real Estate activities including construction. Companies with the object of Community, personal & Social Services are also rising which contribute around 8% of the total companies.
Listed vs. Unlisted | No. of Companies |
Listed | 6772 |
Unlisted | 1435051 |
Total | 1441823 |
Govt. vs. Non-Govt. | No. of Companies |
Government | 2175 |
Non-Government | 1439648 |
Total | 1441823 |
Authorised capital as defined in Companies Act’2013 is the capital which is authorised by the memorandum of a company to be the maximum amount of share capital of the company. Authorized capital of the company shows the company’s limit to issue shares and reflects company’s future growth plans.
Economic Activity | Authorized Capital (in Cr.) | |
Private | Public | |
Agriculture and Allied Activities | 31082.50 | 36918.06 |
Manufacturing | 754619.27 | 1247768.78 |
Construction | 227533.10 | 431874.58 |
Electricity, Gas & Water companies | 257261.37 | 1353483.92 |
Mining & Quarrying | 47994.91 | 104463.42 |
Business Services | 598427.38 | 1180771.14 |
Trading | 306406.66 | 135306.39 |
Real Estate and Renting | 132407.09 | 59205.90 |
Community, personal & Social Services | 116744.28 | 167208.95 |
Finance | 231741.23 | 522950.72 |
Transport, storage and Communications | 186332.46 | 320607.15 |
Insurance | 1880.90 | 66693.67 |
Others | 48895.54 | 166777.79 |
Grand Total | 2941326.69 | 5794030.47 |
Public Sector contribute 66% of total authorised capital of Corporate Sector. Manufacturing Companies have the highest authorised share capital followed by Business Services. It is interesting to note that Electricity, Gas & Water companies which are 1% of the total companies contribute 18% of total authorised capital of Corporate Sector. Total authorised capital of private sector is majorly contributed by Manufacturing, Business Services and Trading Sector. In case of Public Companies, the contribution is made by Electricity Sector, Manufacturing and Business Services.
The Indian Company Law provides 3 different classifications of company on the basis of liability: Company Limited by Shares, Company Limited by Guarantee (with or without share capital) and Unlimited Company.
The company limited by shares means a company having the liability of its members limited to amount unpaid on the shares held by them. This segment consists of majority of companies. Company limited by guarantee means a company having the liability of its members limited to amount undertaken by members to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up. There are 9078 active Companies limited by guarantee. Company not having any limit on the liability of its members are known as unlimited company. Presently, there are 308 Companies with Unlimited liability.
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